2009年7月2日 星期四


今日DADDY帶學生去了海洋公園,結果回來時便帶了這隻三角龍送給我,原來是他在海洋公園玩攤位遊戲贏返來的! 他的心情好興奮,不過又怕我會驚,因為很多BB也會怕大公仔的。結果雖然龍仔身軀比我大,但我亦沒有害怕,你地話邊個可愛D呢﹖

2 則留言:

  1. who bought the huge tri-dragon for Sum Yue BB???

    horrible~!!! But Sum Yue BB has no alternative...~

    the dragon looks like a "monster"~!!! "SOS"~!!!

  2. Is it Sum Yue BB's Best fd???

    Hey sis.,did she play other toys or still biting her fingers??

    Did u play with her??? R she drinking milk now? Ha! Ha!
